
The Middle Of Nowhere

Let's put this in perspective...

To get to this point I had already driven almost 200 miles from Las Vegas to Ubehebe Crater in Death Valley. The last 20 miles were on gravel washboard.

While the road as you can see isn't necessarily all that challenging, it is evident from this photo that there is at least one hazard.

Had I taken the advice of G. Dan Mitchell, I would have still been about 10 miles back, but with a fully inflated tire.

Not me.

No patiance.

40mph, even a peak of 50 mph on a few long flat stretches. This Toyota Rav 4 seemed to be doing just ifne.

Then a curve. A bit of a drift... overcompensation... and "BAM!" accompanied by an instantaneous "BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!" in the cockpit (flat tire sensor alarm).

Suddenly the toughts go through my mind:

"You idiot!"
"I hope there's a spare..."
"I hope it's not a doughnut"
"I hope it's inflated."

I'm 20 miles from the nearest paved road, which is then over 50 miles from the nearest town.

I am in the middle of Death Valley.

I am literally IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE (map). With a flat.

I had anticipated the possibility that I might get suck. The low temperature at night was forecast for 25F. I was prepared (down jacket, hat, gloves, etc).

I changed the tire.

I had another 7 miles to go to get to Racetrack Playa.

Now what?

Do I continue?

With no spare?