Having my 20D's autofocus fail a few weeks ago got me to start thinking about new equipment again.
That has snowballed into a rather large consideration project and I've been doing a lot of comparison shopping.
I'm pretty much decided on getting a 5D. The remaining questions are which other lenses, and there's a bit of a consideration of also picking up a 40D body. However, I actually think I can revive autofocus on my 20D when it comes back from Canon (I declined the repair, they wanted $300). Having given that some more consideration, I hadn't tried a hard reset or reloading the firmware.... Canon is taking forever to return it.
I'm also leaning toward the L series prime lenses. But I've also got my eye on the 70-200. I already have the 24mm f/1.4L, 50mm f/1.4 and 85mm f/1.2L which is why those are not on the list.
My other consideration is whether I should get the 24-105mm f/4 L IS kit lens with the 5D, or skip it and get another prime.
The above are prices I've researched. Bold indicates the lowest price. I've eliminated the 2x Extender because the only lens it would work with would be the 135mm f/2L. I've also compared prices against a very reputable local shop. They're not even close to what I can get on-line, and I haven't even factored in the 7% local sales tax I'd have to pay there. The on-line prices do not include shipping. If you think I should consider some additional source, let me know.
I'm certainly not going to get all of this now, but these are the ones I'm looking at.
Finally, I spent a long time considering waiting for an long-rumored and awaited supposed 5D successor. My current analysis tells me that it would be September before Canon might announce one. Add a couple of months before they're shipping and available, and maybe a few more before the bugs get worked out of the first production run and it'd be almost a year (or more) before I'd want to buy one (EOS 1D mk III have had issues). In the mean time, the 5D is a very stable quality product.
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